Join the prestigious IFOS 2026 ENT World Congress in Istanbul. Explore advancements in Otorhinolaryngology and global ENT expertise.
Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends,

We are delighted and excited to invite you to the XXIII. World Congress of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery (IFOS 2026) to be held in Istanbul from September 9th to 14th, 2026.

We welcome you all in advance.

The IFOS Congress is one of the largest gatherings in Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery with thousands of participants.

Istanbul is one of the most accessible metropolises in the world, connecting Europe and Asia, providing easy access to nearly 70 countries and 2 billion people within four hours. It does not require a visa for many countries, or if required for some countries, it can be obtained within minutes via the internet, at the airport, or at the border. Istanbul is an excellent city to host such a significant event with its historical richness, unique venues, and facilities.

IFOS 2026 Istanbul will be held at the Istanbul Congress Center (ICC) located in the Istanbul Congress Valley. The Istanbul Congress Center, situated in the heart of Istanbul Congress Valley in the city, within walking distance of approximately 30,000 hotel rooms, is an exceptionally excellent and modern structure with all features.

IFOS 2026 Istanbul will be a meeting where the most experienced Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery specialists from every country in the world will participate. Topics related to each subfield of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, including artificial intelligence and new technologies, will be thoroughly examined.

The preparations of the YO IFOS team, which represents the future of IFOS, will add another dimension to the congress.

We invite each of you from every region of Africa, America, Asia, Australia, and Europe to Istanbul, to Ifostanbul2026.

Looking forward to meeting at Ifostanbul2026, the gathering point for Otohinolaryngologists and Head and Neck Surgeons in 2026.

See you there!
Prof. Özgür Yigit
President - Ifostanbul 2026

Prof. Hussain Abdul Rahman Al Rand
President-IFOS Society

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It was our great honor and pleasure to host the 23rd IFOS World Congress (International Federation of Otorhinolaryngology&HNS) in Istanbul from September 9 to 13, 2026. We are very pleased to welcome all of you to the 23rd IFOS World Congress in İstanbul, a unique city both historically, and culturally. As Napoleon said "If there were one capital in the World, it would be Constantinople." Istanbul is considered one of the most important cities to visit in your life. It is a city of dreams, hosting the capitals of 4 empires; Rome, East Rome (Byzantium), Latin, and Ottoman. It has the culture of three religions Jewish, Christianity, and Islam. You can visit the traces of Byzantium-Rome, early Christianity, Islam, and Jewish heritage. You can also visit the historical areas and museums dating back to the IVth century. You can enjoy the 24 hours of the daily and nightlife of İstanbul, a city which never sleeps. We are preparing a social program which, we hope, will satisfy your wishes.

We are also working very hard to prepare a very attractive scientific program. We would like to cover all new areas of our Specialty from the most experienced colleagues. Moreover, we want to give the chance to our colleagues from all countries around the World to make presentations and share their experiences, and to learn from them. The Ad-Hoc and organizing Committee meeting was held in İstanbul last June 2024 with IFOS chairs and local Turkish chairs and members to build a Preliminary Program under the Main Theme of “Innovation, Artificial Intelligence, Global Diversity, and Education-Training”. The scientific program will include all aspects of ORLHNS and related programs, and we would like to invite all delegates from all international society members to participate actively in the Keynote Lectures, Round Tables, Symposia, e-Posters Sessions, and Instructional Courses with your colleagues to share cutting edge knowledge in the research and clinical science field and bring back your new ideas to your local society members.

I strongly welcome all of you to join in this well-organized 23rd IFOS World Congress in İstanbul to participate actively, teach, learn, and enjoy Istanbul with your colleagues and families. 33 years after the first IFOS Congress 1993 held in İstanbul it is our priviledge to organize the 2026 IFOS Meeting in Istanbul. Look forward to meeting in a fabulous meeting in Istanbul.

Prof. Metin Önerci
Congress General Secretary and Scientific Committee Chair - Ifostanbul 2026
Prof. Angel Ramos de Macias
General Secretary-IFOS Society